PHAROS Conference 2020: The multi-messenger physics and astrophysics of neutron stars

PHAROS Conference 2020: The multi-messenger physics and astrophysics of neutron stars

PHAROS Conference 2020: The multi-messenger physics and astrophysics of neutron stars

30 March - 3 April 2020

Porto Rio Hotel, Patras, Greece

Web site: please click here


Neutron stars are unique objects that manifest themselves across a wide range of multi-messenger signals: electromagnetic radiation from radio to gamma-rays, cosmic rays, neutrinos, and gravitational waves. Their extreme density, gravity and magnetic fields make them exceptional astrophysical laboratories for the exploration of nuclear physics, general relativity, and electromagnetism at extreme conditions that are impossible to achieve in terrestrial laboratories. 

The PHAROS Conference 2020 aims to bring together neutron star experts from the following thematic areas:

  • Dense matter: equations of state, superfluidity and superconductivity
  • Magnetic field formation, structure and evolution
  • Neutron star observations: from radio to gamma-rays
  • Neutron stars in the multimessenger era
  • Neutron stars in General Relativity
  • Magnetospheric high-energy emission
  • Population studies
  • Fast Radio Bursts


Meeting Venue

The meeting will be held in Patras (Greece) at the Porto Rio Hotel, from the 30th of March to the 3rd of April 2020.


Important dates

Registration and abstract submission opens: 15 September 2019.
Abstract submission closes: 15 November 2019.
Registration closes: 15 January 2020.