PHAROS funded short video on "Pulsars: a tale of cosmic clocks" featuring a space travel between a young girl and Prof. Jocelyn Bell Burnell, got the "Science in Action 2022" first prize and was selected for the Raw Short Film Festival!


Neutron Star: The fascinating facts about the most compact stars in the Universe


Visualization of a typical binary neutron-star merger: rest-mass density

Credit: L. Breu, D. Radice, L. Rezzolla

Visualization of a typical binary neutron-star merger: rest-mass density and temperature

Credit: L. Breu, D. Radice, L. Rezzolla


Visualization of a typical binary neutron-star merger: rest-mass density and electron fraction

Credit: L. Breu, D. Radice, L. Rezzolla


A pulsar heats up a companion star leading to interesting discoveries

Design: G. PÈrez-Diaz, IAC; Binary simulations: R. Hynes, LSU; For more info: M. Linares, T. Shahbaz, J. Casares (ApJ 54, 859 (2018))

A pulsar heats up a companion star - a closer view

Design: G. PÈrez-Diaz, IAC; Binary simulations: R. Hynes, LSU; For more info: M. Linares, T. Shahbaz, J. Casares (ApJ 54, 859 (2018))


Soft Gamma Repeaters' magnetosphere

Credit:J. F. Mahlmann, T. Akgün, J. A. Pons, M. A. Aloy, P. Cerdá-Durná


Constraining the nuclear matter equation of state

Credit: L.R. Weih, E.R. Most and L.Rezzolla (Goethe University, 2019)